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dear Sophia,

it's really late. I've just arrived home after a dinner at my grandma's house. she's still so special. everyone ate a lot, we talked about old friends, ourselves when we were growing up. there are always stories about africa. we are all so linked there, so many miles away and yet.

we talked about you, alexis and darril. and also about the bulldogs that my uncle used to have and were pretty awfull and scary. I was really afraid of them, but one day I grabbed a horn and chased them trough the garden until they were crying with the noise. never bothered me again. we also mentioned cape town and pretoria, your house, your family, I remember you so dearly it's hard to say.

you were my friend and were a bit like me. you thaught me english and had the patiente enough to hear me reading, laughing out loud in a bed full of animals and pillows that we throwed until they reached the ceiling, you knew the piano but hated it. you knew everybody and everything so well: your brothers, your parents, your friends, pets, the lady in the drugstore and in the mail office where we went several times to deliver letters for portugal. you also asked about lisbon but I can't seem to remember my answer. you knew my secret dreams, understood 8 hours of continuous writing and didn't get mad. you told you'd like to meet my entire family back in portugal and I just can't keep away from my mind the promise of fighting and embracing our dreams, even if that ment to be alone sometimes. you were that smart. we promised it under the tree house we were building and your brother wanted to destroy. we promised never fall in love "in our lives!" because Michael didn't care about you and I just wanted to be away of someone who could see me naked.

I wanted to buy a ticket plane tomorrow and fligh your way, I'd like to cross many countries at every step, Africa is always so big and small, I'd like to talk to you, laughing while we would be on a journey somewhere far, feeling like home.

I saw your picture again today. You look a lot like your father and have your mother's look. I wish I had given you that key thing that I had of marsupilami that you loved and wanted. and still you're smile and you're aunt saying that you will come back some day just to be good on earth. I'd like to talk to you, have dinner, saying what's hip in Lisbon and laugh at your school uniform. that's the picture your parents chose for you.I felt it, I felt it when I was driving back home. that sense of feather, that gainning wings without lifting. we sent you presents, hope you liked it. I'm sorry I wasn't capable of writing you back them, but know I hear you well and I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you and trully miss you.
be well, although that's not the best option.


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sorriso de março

hoje de manhã ía no autocarro a ouvir música e a pensar em qualquer outra coisa para além do transporte e da manhã em volta. O que me fazía regressar ao banco do bus eram as sacudidelas da tosse que me tem feito companhia e ajudava a mudar de posição no banco de forma quase automática. Isto, claro, além de uma nova arrumação dos pulmões, já que suspeito que me saíram várias vezes cá para fora, embora ninguém mostrasse o olhar espantado de "pulmões-ao-relento". Depois de uma das sacudidelas, que não contei por serem muitas, vi uma caixa de medicamentos no meu colo e uma uma senhora de olhos transparentes que a segurava. "Tome, ajudam muito. Tambémm estive assim e sei bem o que é", disse ela. Tinha um sorriso inteiro, estava muito arranjada, com o ar de quem não tem sono e de que todos os dias são dias especiais, e tinha olhos de Tejo. não são as palavras que fazem as pessoas, mas os gestos. este veio com a solidariedade dos viajantes, um sorriso e um olhar. Obriga


afinal chama-se AREIA :) o tobias claro que não foi despromovido, mas agora tem uma amiga, que já é maior que ele, para brincar. a areia é a mais querida, mais amorosa cadela que já vi!tem umas patorras que faz favor, um ar ainda muito desengonçado e aquela coisa de ser bebé, correr muito, de repente parar e tombar no chão a dormir. ainda anda toda destrambelhada, abana-se muito, fica muito contente com visitas e se vê televisão dá-lhe o sono. ocupa a praia inteira de um colo, tem uma mãe que se chama bolota e salta o muro para a ir visitar. tem uns olhos esverdeados e gosta de ir buscar uma bola ao jardim. depois dá a bola ( esta parte o tobias nunca fez, ía-se embora). vai ser giro dizer "areia, vamos à praia!"